Explaining the Price War
The OPEC+ collapse will likely lead to a long and damaging price war, particularly for U.S. shale.

Problems for the Bakken Begin to Mount
The Dakota Access pipeline shutdown could remove 570,000 barrels per day of takeaway capacity from the Bakken shale formation.

Live from Brussels: Marco Giuli on the Potential Impact of Greece on Oil Markets
Marco Giuli, Energy expert at the European Policy Center in Brussels, discusses how an exit of Greece from the Eurozone could influence commodity markets and oil prices.

Live From Moscow: Low Oil Prices are Bankrupting Russia
With some 25 percent of Russia's economy supported by oil and gas revenues, the fall in energy prices has had dismal impacts on the country's economic outlook. For every $1 drop in oil prices, Russia's economy is estimated to lose $1 billion in revenue, meaning the country has lost an estimated $50 billion in budget revenue over the past year.

Live from Canada: Communities Push for Stronger Crude by Rail Safety Regulations
Increasing volumes of crude oil shipments are passing through Canada, but communities adjacent to railroad tracks are concerned about the safety of that transport, especially following the tragic 2013 disaster in Lac Megantic, Quebec. We take a look at how regulators and industry are responding.

Video: T. Boone Pickens Interviews Walter Isaacson of the Aspen Institute
The way news and information is shared has changed the way we relate to each other. T. Boone Pickens sits down with Walter Isaacson of the Aspen Institute to discuss how ideas move through society.

Live from Berlin: Volkswagen Scandal Pushes German Automakers Towards Electric, Autonomous Vehicles
As the Volkswagen scandal has taken the shine off of Clean Diesel, we take a look at how the big three German automakers are employing different strategies to create the car of the future. More than ever, companies are finding that next-era mobility will come from vehicles that are electric, autonomous, and networked into the sharing economy.

Live from Los Angeles: Electric Mobility for Low Income Residents
In an effort to combat congestion and smog, Los Angeles is sponsoring an electric vehicle carsharing program for low income areas, hoping to take over 1,000 cars off the road.

Video: In Wake of Dieselgate Scandal, VW Customers Turn to Electric Vehicles
Consumers have lost confidence in what was supposed to be a groundbreaking automotive technology: Clean diesel promised a highly fuel-efficient vehicle with low levels of pollution. Now that the VW's cheating on emissions tests have been revealed, angry customers are turning to electric vehicles to meet their needs.

T. Boone Pickens: Gen. Michael Flynn wants the truth about what is going on in Afghanistan and Iraq
This week’s Pickens Podcast is a conversation with retired 3-Star General Michael Flynn, who has a new book coming out this week,:The Field of Fight, How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.