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for sustainability

U.S. Offshore Wind Inches Forward After Biden Admin Gives Green Light to First Major Project
The Biden administration's endorsement of the Vineyard Wind project might jump start the American wind energy sector.

Georgia Elections Open Up Possibility for Energy and Climate Action
The results of the Georgia senate election upend the outlook for President-elect Biden, opening up a long list of opportunities on energy and climate-related issues.

Most Significant Energy Bill In Years Lands In Washington
The end-of-year omnibus bill contains the first major energy legislation in more than a decade.

EU Ratchets Up Clean Energy Goals
The EU's latest climate goals will have a profound effect on energy markets.

Energy Transition Picks Up Steam
China's plans to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2060 is the latest high-profile development in the shift away from fossil fuels.

Are Americans Driving Older Cars or Just Leaving Them in the Driveway?
In their reasoning behind their recommendations for revising U.S. fuel economy standards, the EPA and NHTSA cite the rising age of the U.S. light-duty vehicle fleet. However, their analysis does not account for how often these vehicles are driven.