Video: What’s Driving Surging American Gasoline Demand?
This year, Americans have driven more miles and consumed more gasoline than any time since 2007, according to U.S. government data. While the economic recovery is helping to boost demand, low oil prices are encouraging motorists to drive more, and purchase less fuel efficient vehicles.

Live from Canada: Communities Push for Stronger Crude by Rail Safety Regulations
Increasing volumes of crude oil shipments are passing through Canada, but communities adjacent to railroad tracks are concerned about the safety of that transport, especially following the tragic 2013 disaster in Lac Megantic, Quebec. We take a look at how regulators and industry are responding.

Former Secretary of Defense Bob Gates and T. Boone Pickens Discuss National Security
Bob Gates and T. Boone Pickens discuss the oil market implications of Russia establishing itself in the Middle East.

Live from Los Angeles: Electric Mobility for Low Income Residents
In an effort to combat congestion and smog, Los Angeles is sponsoring an electric vehicle carsharing program for low income areas, hoping to take over 1,000 cars off the road.

Live from Berlin: Volkswagen Scandal Pushes German Automakers Towards Electric, Autonomous Vehicles
As the Volkswagen scandal has taken the shine off of Clean Diesel, we take a look at how the big three German automakers are employing different strategies to create the car of the future. More than ever, companies are finding that next-era mobility will come from vehicles that are electric, autonomous, and networked into the sharing economy.

Admiral Blair: Taking the U.S. off of Oil Would Have Saved the Lives of Many Brave Men and Women
Admiral Dennis Blair, Former Director of National Intelligence and Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command, discusses how his military career led him to the conclusion that ending oil dependence was a critical goal for improving national security.

Live from Texas: Oil Industry Layoffs Have Long Term Consequences
With the fall in prices of crude oil, workers are being laid off—especially in the shale patch. It's a short term strategy which may have a long term costs for the industry. The Fuse spoke with Bently Johnson, a Texas oil worker who recently lost his job and is not optimistic about the future of the oil industry.

Live from Uganda: Low Oil Prices Delay Oil Extraction and Export
Uganda has delayed construction of a major oil production facility until 2020, citing low prices as the reason for the delay. The East African nation wants to build refineries and pipelines for crude oil exports, but Ugandan officials say more time is needed to negotiate key infrastructure projects.

Introducing The FuseCast: Royal Caribbean President and COO Adam Goldstein on Oil and the Cruise Industry
We explore how Royal Caribbean acquires fuel, efficiency measures for the cruise industry, ship hydrodynamics, and how tiny air bubbles are having a meaningful impact on fuel consumption.

Live from Denver: Oil and Gas Industry Pushes Back Against Local Fracking Bans
In Colorado's Front Range, a battle is heating up between local opponents of fracking, and industry and local government who assert that drillers have the right to operate.